As I promised something interesting happened to me at work today. Have you ever thought of someone you have not seen in a long time and wonder what they are upto yet never run into them so you keep wondering. Well that is kind of what happened to me today. Except I had been wondering what had heppened to a good friend of mine that I met back in highschool. Now the last time I remember seeing her was probably at least 8 years ago. While I was at work and helping on of the customers with a bike I noticed someone over on the far side of the store and so I looked over quickly to see if they had been helped. This person looked familiar but I could only see the side of her face and that was from an angle, yet the first thing I thought was "That is Jennifer." "No it couldnt be" about two minutes later she walked in front of me on the other side of one of the racks that holds the bike and looked over and we both realized who the other was. The situation was cool.
Ok, Ok, I know that was a long explanation for something that could have only taken a couple of sentences, but those who know me know I do like to tell stories. Which some of them can get long and in much more detail than needed.
O yea, the training aspect of an update. I rode today, I went down this one street that is by my parents house then turned around and came back to the house. Then I went to the gym and lifted heavy metal objets and grunted. well the grunting was not needed because I am not lifting real heavy weights yet, but i wanted to fit in with the other guys in the gym.
All in all it was a good day. I hope the blog has added a little entertainment for you.
Matt "random updates" Seagrave