Friday, November 11, 2005

Interesting Day

Whats up everyone. Well yestarday was an interesting day, in that I was mistaken for a native South African. Yes, that is correct you did not read that incorrectly. Today was a jam packed day. I went for my ride and when I got home found that the school where I substitute teach called. The maintnance man needed some help around the school. I said I would be glad to help him out for a while. After a few hours of that I realized I needed to get over to the bike shop where I usually work. It is kinda funny because when I show up at the shop business usually slows down in relation to what it had been previously in the day. Still trying to figure that one out.
To give you guys a little idea of what may be appearing on my blog in the next couple of weeks. There is a guy here in town that shapes surfboards, and had begun to make custom carbon fiber saddles. When he is done with his latest one I told him I would post it up on my blob.

Matt "I dont really write about training as much" Seagrave

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May be you could write more about training. Like about this great guy you ride with that is super strong and stuff like that :).