Friday, February 02, 2007

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Ok, this has nothing to do with Sunday or a big blow out sale. I have another book to reccomend "The Lincoln Lawyer" by Michael Connelly.
Today, I found out that my cell phone has a pulse. That is right. I was getting out of the shower and my HR monitor was sitting next to the phone and beeping because the pulse was too low. I thought this was pretty interesting. I didnt think my phone sent out electromagnetic fields.
Other than that not a whole lot else is new around these parts. The season starts in a couple of weeks for the team with Valley of the Sun.



john bratton said...

It's good to know your cell phone is in really good know low resting heart rate and all....

T said...

hey man, found your site somehow...Congrats on your 'V' in AZ. CU at Pacebend, Stefan