Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Cobbles and Mud

Well yesterday we raced in Lovendegem (low-ven-dehem). This was a really good course. With the final 1km or so of each lap being solid cobbles (22 laps). There was also the rain factor, which is not such a problem since we have had this factor off and on all season. The team got a couple guys down the road and in contention within the first couple of laps. So from that point on it was my job to just catch rides across or help split the group and make it difficult for anyone to chase our guys down. The group split and I ended up bridging across to a chase group and then came across the line 16th. I tried to attack with about 1.5 km before the finish, since I knew my sprinting on cobbles was not great and that usually I can ride over the cobbles a bit better then the rest of the guys in my group. My attack got me a gap and was caught just at the line, since somehow three cars ended up on the finishing straight with about 200 meters to go and pretty much shut me down. I still don't know quite what happened, but I was happy with my ride in that I was a little more conservative in the race.
I am planning on trying to take a few days off from racing since I have not really had more than three days between races in the last 4 months. On the note of off the bike happenings the team had a party for the sponsors and friends at the farm. This was good. I ate way too much sausage and other meat with potato salad and bread. I did get a chance to meet Willie Plunkard. A gentleman who won the green jersey for the tour de France back in the seventies and his brother Eddy won it in the 80s.



Shannon Koch said...

cobbles is :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new update Matt. Looking forward to seeing you later this year.