Sunday, May 08, 2005

final days

Day three of gila.
today was the shortest day of the week besides the Crit. This was a 80 mile road race with most of the climbing taking place in the first 20 miles or so. everthing pretty much stayed together through the first long climbs and the long switch backs that we descended down not until the valley and when we got to the final feed zone where the final climbing starte (60 miles into the race) did things begin to start to split up and the screws began to turn. I was able to hold on and finish with the main group and not really loose and time to GC and hold onto my third place.
the fourth day of racing was the Crit. this was not your average TX crit. Due to the fact that there was about 3,000 feet of climbing over the whole distance that is 90 feet per lap with 30 laps. This did not really cause a problem because the group did not really attack going up the climb. So I just moved around the group just to stay active and not get to complacent just in case someone did put on an attack and I needed to respond. Coming into the final turn I just kept good position so as to make sure a gap did not open up and I would not loose time on GC.

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