Thursday, May 19, 2005

Joe Martin

Sorry for the delay on my update of what happeneded over this last weekend.
Well the weekend started out ok until our bikes flew off the roof of the car while still attached to the roof rack!! Exactly what I was thinking. Once we squeezed all the bikes in the car with the luggage and people back inside we only had about an hour of driving left. The only problem there was no room for all of that stuff inside the car, some how we were able to not leave anything on the side of the road. We ended up having to overnight a bunch of parts seeing as how most all the parts that move on the bikes were shot. Nate came to the rescue and was able to get all the bikes back into order so we could toe the line the next afternoon.
Friday: This race was 115 miles for the pro men and the pro women did 68miles. For the women's race report I will have to refer you to shunning blog. Just because I was not able to partake in the women's race. Our race went smooth until some guy thought it would be a good idea to stop looking forward and look at the trees and birds on the side of the road, then fall down taking me and Nate with him. I jumped back on my bike and soft peddled until Nate started to come my way. Now he is on my wheel and I am trying to pull him back on the group we come upto Thomas and he gives a helping hand. We made it back to the caravan and begin to work out way back on the tail end of the peleton and we are on. Ok that hurt!! About this time we are rolling upt to the first feedzone and almost instantaneously a guy falls down informs of me again, but I am able to avoid this one. Make it through the feedzone but was not able to find the guys feeding us. So I tell myself don't panic you still have two more bottles you will be fine until the next feedzone. Well shortly after I make it into a break with 2 HeatlhNet riders. 2 jellybelly riders, some eandeavour riders and an aerospace engineering rider. This was good, one because I am in a break with some strong riders and there is all the neutral feeding a rider could ever want going on around us. All I had to do was stick my hand out and a bottle would be put in it. This was good because were climbing a 13 mile long hill along with other long climbs while in the break. Once the break was swallowed up by the main peleton, because HealthNet chased us down. I found out there was more neutral feeding going on at the back of our pack so I went back and saw Nate and I knew he did not have enough fluids on him so I went and gathered as many bottles as I could get and hand him some water and then proceeded back to the front quarter of the peleton. Once Nate told me to go on and not worry about him. The race came into downtown and I finished with the main group for the most part. This was hot day!!
stay tooned for the next update.
Also if you are out at the track on Thursday or this weekend I will be glad to elaborate on the details and fill in holes.


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